Setting TP-Link CPE 220

Ini hanya sekedar catatan kecil saat mensetting TP-Link CPE 220. Ceritanya ada CCTV yang akan di pantau, koneksi CCTV tersebut menggunakan jaringan wireless yang ditangkap menggunakan TP-Link CPE 220. Nah berikut ini beberapa catatan kecilnya. Artikel ini ditulis karena saya sering lupa akan hal-hal yg telah lalu.


default IP untuk CPE 220 adalah, username & password = admin.

Berbagai mode yang di support CPE 220 :

Please select the proper operation mode according to your needs:

  • Access PointIn this mode, the AP will act as a central hub for different wireless LAN clients. Multi-SSID is also available in this mode, which supports up to 4 different SSIDs and passwords.
  • ClientIn client mode, the device can connect to a wired device and work as a wireless adapter to receive wireless signals from your wireless network.
  • RepeaterIn this mode, the device can copy and reinforce the existing wireless signal to extend the coverage of the signal, especially for a large space to eliminate signal-blind corners.
  • BridgeBridge mode borrows existing wireless internet and broadcasts it using a different SSID and password. In this mode, you can set up a wireless client to connect with a root AP and a wireless AP for local wireless coverage.
  • AP RouterIn this mode, the device enables multiple users to share the internet. The wireless ports share the same IP address as the Ethernet WAN port to connect to the ISP. The wireless port can be regarded as a LAN port while in AP Router mode.
  • AP Client Router (WISP Client)In this mode, multiple users can share an internet connection provided by a WISP. The LAN port devices share the same IP as that assigned by the WISP to the Wireless port. While connected to a WISP, the wireless port works as a WAN port in AP Client Router mode. The Ethernet port acts as a LAN port.

Mode yang digunakan AP unt topologi CCTV ini adalah Client Router (WISP Client). Caranya :

  1. akses ke
    username & password = admin
  2. Masuk ke “Quick Setup” pilih mode “AP Client Router (WISP Client)”
  3. Pilih “Dynamic IP” atau Static IP atau PPPoE juga bisa (tergantung koneksi)
  4. Kemudian klik tombol “Survey” unt mencari wifi yang akan disambungkan, pilih wifi, masukkan jarak antara pemancar wifi dengan penangkap wifi CPE 220.
  5. Lalu klik “Next”, menu ini menampilkan fungsi unt menyebarkan juga (berfungsi sebagai Access Point)
  6. Muncul hasil konfigurasi yang akan diterapkan. Jika sudah benar konfigurasinya silahkan klik Finish.
  7. berikutnya Lokal1 LAN dari CPE 220 bisa dipakai unt IP CCTV, atur IP CCTV agar 1 jaringan dengan CPE 220, lalu CCTV akan bisa diakses.

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