Reset MikroTik CRS326-24G-2S+RM

The RouterBOOT reset button has the following functions. Press the button and apply the power, then:
➡️Tekan tombol reset, kemudian masukkan power/listrik

  • ➡️Untuk me reset konfig ke default,
    Lepaskan tombol reset ketika lampu hijau LED berkedip-kedip
    Release the button when green LED starts flashing, to reset RouterOS configuration to defaults.
  • ➡️Untuk membersihkan semua konfigurai (reset total)
    Lepaskan tombol reset ketika lampu hijau LED nyala solid (manjer)
    Release the button when the LED turns solid green to clear all configuration and defaults.
  • ➡️Untuk masuk ke konfig NetInstall
    Release the button after LED is no longer lit (~20 seconds) to cause a device to look for Netinstall servers (required for reinstalling RouterOS over the network).
    *Use Ethernet 1 port when connecting to Netinstall.
    *Gunakan port 1 untuk menjalankan fungsi Netinstall

Regardless of the above option used, the system will load the backup RouterBOOT loader if the button is pressed before power is applied to the device. Useful for RouterBOOT debugging and recovery.


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