Port Populer Jaringan yang dipakai (Default Port)

FungsiNomor PortProtokol
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) DATA Transfer/Transmisi File20
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Command CONTROL
(tidak ada transfer file yg terjadi melalui port ini)
Secure Shell (SSH)22
Telnet – Remote login service, unencrypted text messages23
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) E-mail Keluar465
Domain Name System (DNS) service53
DHCP Server, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol servers use UDP port 67 to listen for requests while67UDP
DHCP Client communicate to DHCP Server (jalur klient meminta IP address ke DHCP Server)68UDP
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) used in World Wide Web80TCP
Post Office Protocol (POP3) used by e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail from a server110
Network Time Protocol (NTP)123
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Management of Digital Mail143
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) – for sending and receiving requests on the network being managed161UDP
SNMP, default for receiving SNMP traps from managed devices162UDP
SMB (Server Message Block), Windows File Sharing
(biasa diakses via windows explorer dgn mengetik alamat IP’nya target,
contoh : \\ )
HTTP Secure (HTTPS) HTTP over TLS/SSL443
default mail submission port587
IMAP over SSL/TLS993
Post Office Protocol (POP3) over SSL/TLS995
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) 1723TCP
Database engine default instance1433TCP
cPanel (control panel web hosting)2083
WHM (WebHost Manager) 2087
Remote Desktop Protocol windows3389TCP

AnyDesk Remote

Ports & Whitelist
AnyDesk clients use the TCP-Ports 80, 443, and 6568 to establish connections. It is however sufficient if just one of these is opened.
AnyDesk’s “Discovery” feature uses a free port in the range of 50001–50003 and the IP as default values for communication.
Local Port Listening
For direct connections, TCP Port 7070 is used for listening by default. This port is opened when installing AnyDesk.

Contoh Open Port Standar Server

Open Port standar 1 =
21 FTP, 22 SSH, 80 HTTP, 443 HTTPS

Open port standar server 2 =
21 FTP, 22 SSH, 80 HTTP, 443 HTTPS, 3306 mySQL (Opsional khusus unt yg ada layanan database)

Port Above 1023

TCP and UDP port numbers between 1024 and 49151 are called registered ports. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority maintains a listing of services using these ports in order to minimize conflicting uses.

Unlike ports with lower numbers, developers of new TCP/UDP services can select a specific number to register with IANA rather than having a number assigned to them. Using registered ports also avoids the additional security restrictions that operating systems place on ports with lower numbers.

sumber :
– pengalaman pribadi MasTeknisi

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